For Dan Pick's production nails the need that we have to laugh, to cry, in order to process, to rationalise, to keep on living the lives that have to continue. His company capture all the shaky energy of the verbatim style in which Slade writes and there's not a weak link between them - Alex Forsyth's arrogant but not irreproachable banker, Graham O'Mara's slippery van driver, Thalissa Teixeira's distraught yet still pragmatic daughter, Florence Roberts' haunted witness.
Under Christopher Nairne's pointedly flickering light, it's hard not to think of 7/7 but equally the mind is drawn to the Paris attacks and the way in which Twitter hashtags and Facebook icons satisfy the need to be seen to be doing something, how social media has warped the way we reconcile ourselves with such news, to be part of it even. Forthright, challenging, intelligent, BU21 chimes with such unflinching honesty that it's impossible to resist.
Running time: 100 minutes (without interval)
Photos: David Monteith-Hodge
Booking until 9th April