Site-specific performances are sometimes guilty of square peg round hole syndrome but here, the marriage of material and setting is perfect. The seating may not always be the most comfortable but that’s only right as we’re the ones eavesdropping on the private affairs unfolding in these most intimate of surroundings, flies on the wall of Williams’ mini-universes full of heartbreak, hedonism and heists.
First up is 1943’s The Pink Bedroom, where Gyuri Sarossy’s married man has kept his mistress, Helen George in blistering form, for eight years. As their arrangement, and relationship, crumbles to pieces, her fury only increases and George is quite simply stunning, pinning audience members with a steely gaze that is impossible to ignore. The writing sometimes feels like an author coming into his strengths rather than demonstrating them but it’s a powerful start.
If 1980’s Sunburst doesn’t quite live up to the same benchmark, it is no fault of the actors. Carol Macready’s retired actress tries to resist the attempts of two Italian hoodlums, Daniel Ings and Jake Mann, to rob her of a jewel, but the play never settles in its attempt to balance humour with pathos and even genuine threat. But the experience as a whole is one to genuinely treasure, threaded together by Linden Walcott-Burton’s earnest busboy appearing in all three pieces, leaving the metaphorical chocolate on the pillow and ensuring we’ve all had a great evening at a rather special piece of theatre.